Review By: deadmigit - State: Missouri



I bought this MO U21 during his promo for 35 with a dupe and I am getting around to reviewing it.

Communication: 10/10

IDM was great in responding. I would get responses within 10 minutes most times and maximum 3 hours for a response.

Cost: 10/10

35 with a dupe is good enough for me.

Shipping: 8/10

It was fine. I was in no hurry to get the ID but it came 3 business days after his 3 week turnaround.

signature: 10/10

So MO U21 sig goes up into the photo a little bit and I also sent a really bad sig in but it turned out amazing.


template: 9/10

It is SPBs MO U21 template and it is good, like very good. I am not very close to MO so I will have no problems. I spot no problems with it. The colors are good and everything is accurate on the ID. I am docking a point because the cutter was a little dull on my dupe and a little bit was still hanging on in each of the corners.

photoshop: 9/10

It was fine. I am using a really good photo right now so thats something. The photoshop gets the job done but its nothing special.

holograms/OVI: 10/10

MO holos are pretty subdued and IDM did a pretty good job in making them. It would be pretty hard to prove the ID was fake with the holos. They are good to go.

uv: 10/10

The MO UV isn't bright but IDM did a fantastic job in replicating it. Some vendors make them too bright but they are spot on.

scanning: 10/10

Its 2018 so I hope the ID would scan and it does. Everything scans correctly and yes even on BCS for me.

conclusion: 9/10

For the price I got this ID is unbeatable. U21 IDs are something that not many vendors sell and there are only two good ones I know of, OIS and IDM. The template is very good and I will have no problems using the ID OOS. I don't have a MO physical but I have a template and it's as good as my template. This is one of my favorite U21s I have and I will be using it regularly.