Review By: kiwi - State: New Jersey



I got this during his $25 sale and for that price you really can't go wrong.

Communication: 10/10

He was frequently on the message board, and quickly responded to any email/dm I sent him.

Cost: 10/10

$25 for 2 IDs? Whats better than that!?

Shipping: 10/10

Got to me in less than a week. Best shipping turnaround time I've ever had.

signature: 9/10

A little thick but it's what I sent him, so I guess that's on me?


template: 10/10

Comparing to the bar book and from what I remember of U21 i've seen recently, and the template looks very good. My only criticism would be that the red appears a little darker than what I remember or saw in the bar book. Not exactly an expert but this was my first observation. Ghost image is present and template is high definition.

photoshop: 8/10

Everything looks good but the ear shadows could use a little more blur to them, they appeared a little sharp to me.

holograms/OVI: 10/10

Very vibrant holos, They look very good!

uv: 1/10

Don't have a UV light to check against

scanning: 9/10

It scans, so yeah........

conclusion: 8/10

Overall this ID is very solid, I don't think there will be any issues using them, and for the price + turnaround time you can't really go wrong. I wish I had an O21 to compare to because I feel like my small criticisms are unwarranted but Ill leave that up to you.