Review By: Owere1776 - State: New York



IDExpert is a kinda odd guy... but he saw my reviews and asked me if I wanted to see an ID for review. Here is my review

Communication: 10/10

Honestly, I have no idea! (which is the best) He contacted me, I put in the order, it was here in 3 days... but more on that later

Cost: 5/10

For free, it's is great... but for $150... thats super steep, but for the turnaround it may be worth it for some

Shipping: 8/10

Ok... if it were for me... I'd give a 0 because of OPSEC... It came with stealth and was shipped next day UPS, I don't like this though. USPS means NEVER seziures on domestic shipments, but UPS is private and they can search anything which makes me squirm. Fast turnarounds are good and all but compromising security is not the best.

signature: 10/10

Just as I submitted it lmao, it looks just fine as submitted...


template: 8/10

Meh. Not as good as metro, better than lost... that should give you a good idea of it.

photoshop: 8/10

8/10 because this is an nNY with the "square" background meaning that it's like an "upgraded" license from a past one. I feel like the tightly cropped corona type pics pass better.

holograms/OVI: 9/10

I'll take this to mean window on this ID, its not lasered but damn good, as good as Lost's window.

uv: 7/10

The UV is noticeably too vibrant but passable.

scanning: 10/10

Scans on Scannr, BCS, scans at gas stations, have not tried it at clubs as its an nNY fake that's not metro (lmao)

conclusion: 8/10

It's good if you need a REALLY fast ID or you can get a big discount, for free its damn good!