Review By: yungman25 - State: New Jersey



$25 promo deal so I had to buy

Communication: 10/10

FFF was polite and very helpful when helping with my orders. Dude legit even caught a mistake I had and helped me with it. Super nice guy and easy to find.

Cost: 10/10

$25 for two? Who would be dumb enough not to hop on this deal? I had buddies use the $35 promo for the back overlay and even then it's a great deal!

Shipping: 10/10

Shipping was blazing fast for my own personal order and my groups. Constantly updated me on my order and that was very helpful throughout the process. On top of it my ID' s came in perfect shape.

signature: 10/10

Looks clean as a whistle and seems to have no issues with it.


template: 10/10

Keep in mind this is for the $25 one This thing looks slick af. Print looks extremely well done and overall looks like a wonderful ID and not some piece shit just thrown on a card. It's extremely sexy and 100x nicer than all of my other buddies off of IDTop combined.

photoshop: 10/10

I was hoping for a sleek looking spray tan for my ID like I'm actually from the Jersey Shore but this A1 photoshop of my pasty skin will just have to work.

holograms/OVI: 10/10

This shit is off the chain and my favorite part of the ID. Absolutely stunning.

uv: 10/10

Works great and no issues.

scanning: 10/10

Scanning for Apps: [10/10] Scanning for Public Use: [NA/10] I have not personally been scanned at a store yet with this one, but on apps such as BCS it registers just fine.

conclusion: 10/10

From the beginning to the start, FFF has been a straight up stand-out guy and his ID's are bottom line gorgeous. I have had now 6 people order from this man have praised him hard for his craftsmanship and customer service. Lots of future orders coming in the near future for this man and hope to see new ID's added in the near future.