My review of my nCA u21, pretty damn good.
Responds within a day or so. Pretty speedy. Time zone makes huge difference though. You can usally catch him in chat if you’re on later.
Pretty spendy, not gonna lie. $120 without a group discount would be brutal, but I got a pretty good discount for the group.
2 weeks from payment to my door. Not my door but you get the idea lol.
Pretty small, I sent in a good sig but the result was smaller than I was hoping for.
So fucking close! Just a few color matching issues with the greens. Other than that it’s fucking awesome. The micro is sexy as hell. Real crisp.
Comparing with scans of a real one it’s pretty spot on.
Prominent, but not in ya face.
This is where this thing shines. The uv is super complex and done very well by ois.
Scans real on bcs, bcs sucks tho.
I’d call it isp at lienient places. Very good with a group discount. I would highly recommend this to anyone looking for a nCA u21.