Review By: whatwhat123 - State: Illinois



I live instate and have a real O21 to compare mine too, will be using this primarily instate and out of state.

Communication: 10/10

Received my tracking number within a couple days. Didn't have to contact the vendor at all.

Cost: 8/10

Can't really complain, I opted to pay an extra 30 for rush shipping so I would have it for NYE, a bit pricey in my opinion.

Shipping: 6/10

Although the id's were here pretty fast, the stealth could be better. I'm really surprised customs didn't catch it. Not sure if this was just a fluke or what. If your parents go through your mail, they would've found it right away.

signature: 6/10

Looks a bit thick and the black is a good amount darker than a real one.


template: 8/10

Compared to a real O21, there are a couple inconsistencies, mainly to do with color. Blue background on picture is too dark, ILLINOIS and DRIVERS LICENSE red is a couple shades lighter, blue font with details is a bit bright as well. Barcode on back is also significantly darker.

photoshop: 9/10

Looks fine, slight ear shadows but the blue background is off.

holograms/OVI: 7/10

Holograms are a bit bright compared to a real O21, but shape and positioning is fine.

uv: 10/10

Am not able to check, will assume it is fine.

scanning: 6/10

Info came up fine and scanned correctly on BCS and another app.

conclusion: 8/10

Overall, I can't complain too much. I haven't used it yet, but probably won't risk using it anywhere strict. With a few color tweaks this ID would be perfect!