Review By: cfoges - State: Massachusetts



I just turned twenty and after three years of a destroyed Maine Idgod , it was time for an upgrade for a stress free I’d to use in NYC. Did my research and the nMA seemed like the move.

Communication: 10/10

OIS cs was helpful and replied to my emails regarding shipment and also answered some questions for me on here through dm.

Cost: 10/10

so buying it alone would be a lot, however group order came to $65 which was awesome.

Shipping: 10/10

Chinese New Year delays and still got here amazingly fast , I also was able to change the address through dhl which was perfect because I got to use during my spring break.

signature: 10/10

Not thick looks legit considering I used a thick sharpie.


template: 9/10

It was spot on anything that was different was minimal.

photoshop: 10/10

Looks legit , I have friend in Massachusetts who compared mine to theirs and the background looks really good.

holograms/OVI: 1/10

Was great , reflective just like the real deal

uv: 10/10

Uved by a bouncer in NY club last night, worked fine and I was nervous because two girls in line in front of us got their fakes confiscated.

scanning: 10/10

Same club scanned it as well and I got through.

conclusion: 10/10

OIS gave me a stress free night in nyc in which I was able to bar hop easily (this was very hard with my I’d god Maine. I also was with two friends who both had Maine OIS fakes and they got through easy ! I am overall very impressed. Idk if this is just an ois thing but the organ donor is my fav touch. You also have the option for restrictions but I just couldn’t get the lighting right with my glasses on in my photo.