Review By: joeymac18 - State: Alabama



I have awesome customer service with a repersentative from the company. This is the best Indinana id on the market. I would have full confidence using this id at any bar in America.

Communication: 10/10

The vender responded to many tedious questions and served me with grace.

Cost: 10/10

couldn't beat free!!! but he also has a really nice reseller program so look into that.

Shipping: 8/10

got here in around two weeks very fast shipping stealth was also very good i shipped to my po and it worked very well

signature: 10/10

very clear even considering my pictures were not very good thick bold lines stood out to the naked eye quiet well


template: 10/10

super intricit very believeable. It matched the templete almost perfectly.

photoshop: 10/10

no shadows quality was top notch look like an authentic ID I love this vendor and will continue to buy from him over idgod.

holograms/OVI: 10/10

vibrant holograms and very detailed it was a very impressive id its quality is unmatched and very good

uv: 10/10

i didnt scan but saw on past reviews it works.

scanning: 10/10

scans as real 100% always i have used it many times at gas stations and have never had a problem

conclusion: 10/10

Overall, great customer service, extremly high quality IDs. This was the best fake I had seen in my life!!