Review By: pennyheaad - State: South Carolina



I have been reselling dove( for about 7monthsish(?) i resell them because of the fast turnaround times and quality ids. Really the quick shipping has helped me become the only reseller on my campus they pay me then 1 week later dove has it to me, it is very impressive and it keeps my customers happy. anyways dove has been buggin me to do reviews and now i finally have some time.

Communication: 10/10

Dove is always quick to respond to my emails, i just email every time i put in an order to give them a heads up.

Cost: 10/10

cost is competitive with other vendors, especially. considering the fast turnarounds. Dove is definitely worth it. If i bring them large orders(30+) they come down on the price a little too.

Shipping: 10/10

10/10 always gets to me within like a week of me sending the payment

signature: 9/10

Sigs are always good, even if my customers send in shitty pics the doveteam makes it look good


template: 9/10

for SC the template is good, from photos my friends have showed me the color matching could be a little better but it works everywhere

photoshop: 9/10

Always good, sometimes my customers send bad photos but thats on them not dove

holograms/OVI: 10/10

they look really good dove has this aspect down for all their IDs

uv: 10/10

as you can see in the pic UV is very cool and intricate for south Carolina

scanning: 9/10

Always scans and passes all the apps and shit

conclusion: 10/10

10/10 for dove, their quality ids, shipping, and communication are great