so to start off i found these guys by just looking through the reviews and saw they had made only IL so i thought hey why not try them out for the price and being domestic in the US you can't beat that. so i ordered one and it blew me away with the detail they put into their IDs
communication was un real if i can give it an 11 i would lol talk through wikr which make sure it super easy than going through email. they respond in literally no more than 20mins usually it's the best customer service i have ever had and i have naught multiple fakes from multiple websites and no one has had better customer service then them
i gave the cost a 10/10 because for the quality of the ID $100 is not bad at all for one. but if u get like 4-5 buddy's and everyone gets one it drops the price to like $75 an ID and that's a great deal for the product you will receive
came within like 3 days after the order. priority mail is only $10 extra dollars for the total and is worth every cent. it's stupid fast shipping and i would bet every cent i have that they would beat any other vendor in shipping speed
u sign it on a pad through a PNG so there is really no way to mess it up they put it perfect
the template and feel is spot on to my friends Real o21 ID it's spot on you would never know if you closed ur eyes and had the fake in one hand and the real one in the other you would not be able to tel the difference i guarantee it.
the ear shadows r spot on not a problem at all. the photo shop of the background looks as if i took the picture with a colored board behind me they did an amazing job with the photoshop and if i didn't know if it was a fake i would never be able to tell by looking at the picture they did an amazing job.
holograms are spot on the my friends real O21 literally nothing missing it's as perfect as it gets.
i used my friends UV light that is a bouncer at a bar and it all came up perfectly with the lines swirling and the hat on lincoln's head as well as the picture on the back of my face with the DOB next to it as clear as day. it's spot on. it's un real how good these guys are
scanned at the local liquor store and at 7/11 buying a pack of blunts it was perfect no complaints with scanning
in conclusion it's the best fake ID i have ever put my hands on and i'd never send any of my friends or family to any other vendor. if your reading this review it's as honest and real as it's going to get and there should be no hesitation to purchasing from them. HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!