Thought I would contribute back into the forum since it taught me plenty about fake ids. Honestly, I never thought I would receive my ids after being told each week that new ones were sent out, but here I am!
Dfids usually responds within a week. PM is the most effective tool.
Got two id's with duplicates for $120 each so it's not terrible.
Most common issue with this vendor. I ordered these 12/13 and received them 6 weeks later. Advertised turnaround was 2-3 weeks though.. They probably would have forgotten my order if I wasn't persistent with communication. Although when they did ship, it came overnight, so props for that.
I thought I sent super enlarged pictures of the signatures, so I don't know how the PS guy fucked this one up. See pictures, but the signature is not even legible due to being so small.
All details on the id are damn near perfect. No exaggeration. State seal in perfect condition. 3 stars on the bottom are present. Gold star in top right corner.
Very good job done on the pictures. Can't complain here.
I don't know my terminology, but I definitely know the dotted Texas diagram is way too high on one set of ids. Not sure if this is a red flag, so hopefully he can confirm. See pictures.
Don't have a UV light tester, but judging of the other people's DFID Texas reviews, I can only assume mine will be solid too.
Scans on BCS and Scannr.
For it's price, I say it was well worth it. Probably the best Texas id on the website at the moment. Not sure about signature and dotted Texas symbol.