i won the id in a giveaway here is my review, the looks of the id is not bad it passes visual everywhere but i noticed the back is a little off not aligned correct and the uv holograms can be seen if held in correct lighting and position. biggest problem for me was the pdf 417 code doesnt scan correctly with certain apps on phone. one app tells u its not a valid drivers license and some stores it comes back as invalid data.
vendor was great in response time. never had a problem with non communication. just have to adjust to their time zone
the price was decent especially if u get more than one. i checked other sites and pricing is pretty much all the same difference of 10 or 20 bucks
got it within 7 days of payment. came well packaged and tracking number was spot on.
it was fine. raised and it actually seems like whatever photo u submit is how they make it. so make sure u send a good looking signature. not too fat not to thin
colors were great details in micro print good bear cut out fine. the design over the face is perfect. template was no issue
the looks of the id were pretty good except font being a little too thick.
holograms were good except that if u hold the id in a certain angle u can see the holograms.
same as above hologram comment
it wouldnt scan in certain stores that use the scan as their verification technique. certain phone apps would also say this is not a real id or no pdf 417 code present
above average , just need to fix the pdf 417 issue . if u need it to pass at a bar or club i think these ids will work fine . one more thing i noticed if u hold it too light theyre a little thin and see thru.