Won this in 5thfloordmv "first 10 to PM get a free nCA" giveaway.
As always with 5th, never needed to communicate. Sent him my order number, he confirmed my order.
Freeeeeeeeeeeee, but normal price (with discount code) would honestly be fine.
Shipped 05/29, arrived today. Hella fast.
Sent in a sig, but he made a custom one for me that looks both realistic and better than mine.
Nearly identical if not identical to template. Very complicated template as well, lots of guilloche lines and micro. From what I can see without loupe, micro/faux micro looks very good. Perfs a liiiiiitle off but not by much. All raised text is perfect.
Great ear shadows, great background, photo is just a BIT too high quality.
All OVI is accurate. Tri-color state seal is flawless. Glitter DMV seal is accurate.
Holy shit. The sexiest part. The stars, the boats, the bridge, all 100% accurate. I nutted when I turned UV light on.
Scans perfectly on BCS, nothing to worry about.
I HIGHLY recommend this. 9.5/10 out of state, 8.5/10 in-state. Can't say enough how well done this is. 5th is on a new level. his site: 5thfloordmv