Ordered from OIS, expected to be better for the $100 I spend on it
Answers all the questions I asked and was very quick with replying as far as it goes with ID people
Fairly Expensive, too overpriced for product I received. wouldn't buy this ID again
Slow but most likely from COVID, So I can't knock them there
Looks pretty good
A little lighter than normal O21 ID and very Thin compared to a real one as well
Ear Shadows look like ass if I'm being honest, way too much on the right side, almost looks like I have hearing aids in
Looks fine, maybe don't pop as much as I'd like
I don't have a UV, so I'll take their word for it.
BCS scans fine
Doesn't look good and would barely pass at some shitty gas stations but other than that don't order the new Ohio ones