Review By: Softlover55 - State: Mississippi



Won this in their newest give away. I was both curious about the truth behind their rush speeds and the quality of their product. I'm for the most part extremely close to the MS border, so most here have experience with MS IDs.

Communication: 10/10

I talked to them through Wickr and their CS rep was great. He sent me a picture of how the ID looked as soon as it was completed and triple-checked all of the details. Every time I had a question or error they replied promptly when online, within an hour or less. Offline and I had an answer within 12hrs.

Cost: 8/10

The ID was free, though I opted to pay $60 for Super Rush shipping. I was more than pleased with the speed the ID was produced in a quality way and received by me. If I was a person hypothetically purchasing both the ID and Super Rush, some of the prices are a bit more expensive compared to other vendors. Noble seems to run semi-frequent sales however to lessen the burden.

Shipping: 10/10

Super Rush promises delivery within 11-16 business days. I ordered this around 4/22 and received it on 4/30, a few days faster. I’d say paying for rush is well worth it compared to similar vendors are well-worth it.

signature: 10/10

Signature is spot-on to what I submitted. Is applied with the correct placement and size.


template: 7/10

There are some differences between the real and Noble’s that would make it hard to pass in-state if wanted. The tint of the template could be a bit lighter, and the text comes off as a bit more blurry than the real.

photoshop: 10/10

I found it identical to a real MS photo, regarding the tint of the background, odd mixture of blur/crispness, and the subtle shadows around the silhouette.

holograms/OVI: 8/10

The holograms and their placement seem to be correct, the stamped state on the back is perfect. The only real issue here is the OVI seems to leave a bit more of the ID exposed compared to other vendors. I find that it’s a bit less noticeable to the eye due to the colors on the template, but it could possibly cause issues with dust.

uv: 5/10

I can't comment on the UV parts.

scanning: 10/10

Scanned on BCS, Scannr, at a few gas stations, and a dive club. Hasn’t been fixed for Show-Me ID yet.

conclusion: 8/10

If some of the above errors were fixed it could possibly pass well IS. I feel that anyone OOS and further away would have much less risk using it. Were Noble shined most outside of the ID was through their customer service and fast shipping speeds.