Review By: banditrawk - State: Connecticut

Vendor: FakeYourDrank


Me and a few pals ordered these with dupes

Communication: 7/10

we didnt really need to communicate

Cost: 8/10

you get what you pay for! these were solid

Shipping: 9/10

seemed fair not too sure but it was worth it

signature: 10/10

Same signatures we sent in showed same on ID


template: 8/10

up to date and perfect. looks identical to my sisters so we have no complaints lol

photoshop: 8/10

didnt show any flaws or shadows or anything of the sort

holograms/OVI: 10/10

looks machine pressed or operated, it wasnt out of line at all.

uv: 10/10

perfect UV observed first night of use

scanning: 10/10

got into every spot we went into, including a formal club!

conclusion: 9/10

We are leaving this review out of thanks for the proper IDs we ordered! Weve gotten to do what we want with our older people in our group so its been sick! Thanks for being easy to get from, we'll be sending our younger friends to the same place.